Hot Ballbusting Girls

Hot girls kicking men's balls

Mistress Dolores and this guy had a longstanding dispute and they had failed to resolve it. She was fed up with trying to come up with a solution and being blocked at every turn. The mistress sat down and pondered what to do and she felt like ballbusting him would make him listen to her so she tricked him and she did it. True to what she suspected, he listened to her and they resolved their issues.

Mistress Suzy got this guy to lick her pussy and he did it well but she still beat him up and ballbusted him. She just felt like doing it and despite the fact that she had made him cum beautifully, she still tortured him. She found a small excuse and she used it to dominate him. The mistress had the best of both as she enjoyed being licked and she enjoyed dominating the guy.

Goddess Lena loves to torture guys who are tied because she can take her sweet time to torture them. She does not like it when she has to struggle with a loser while punishing him. She even showed her friend why that was the best policy and her friend agreed with her after they had used their boots to kick this loser in the nuts and slap the shit out of him.

Madame Marissa hates people who are dishonest and this conman was dishonest according to the mistress. Being dishonest meant that she had to find a way to deal with him. So she dealt with him by whipping him while he was naked and she also kicked him hard in the nuts. He regretted what he had done but it was too late and she did not care what he said.

This mistress found out that it was this guy who had been a sellout. She was not going to forgive him as he had betrayed them big time. They stood to make a lot of money and that was now not going to happen as he had sold them out. The mistress ballbusted him and she made sure he learned never to do anything like that before she chased him away.

Lady Aurelia knew this guy and his peers needed to be sent a stern warning. The mistress took it upon herself to send a message to the loser and his peers and that is what she did. The mistress tied him up and she took her sweet time to ballbust him. She enjoyed how he cried and how he begged her to forgive him. It was hilarious for her but she had passed the message across.

Mistress Agnes wanted to have fun at the expense of this loser while at the same time torturing him. She sat down and thought long and hard about what to do to him and she settled on facesitting on him until she came. That was her fun. Then she chose to crush his nuts and that was his punishment. It was fun doing it but for him, it was horror.

Mistress Gaia loves to kick guys in the nuts. She is the kind that does it as revenge and not for pleasure. But it is always fun when she punishes guys and does it in revenge. She was joined by her friend to revenge on her ex husband. He had tried to manipulate her but she did not take it kindly. She ballbusted him and sent a strong message to him.

Lady Krasviza was on a mission to teach this guy the lesson of a lifetime. The mistress knew the best route for her to achieve that was to use his balls. So the mistress chose to crush his balls by kicking them and trampling them. And when she was done doing that, she lit them on fire. The mistress took a lighter and she placed it under his nuts and she lit it.

These mistresses could tell what this guy wanted to try and they avoided it. They could see his con game from a mile away. But sadly, not everyone can. And the guy conned an elderly couple. The mistresses found out and they went to the rescue of the old couple. They ballbusted the guy and made him feel enough pain to make him do the right thing and return the couple's money.

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